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Club Development

FOOTY SMARTS have Club based programs specifically designed to develop

and support Club players and coaches.


FOOTY SMARTS founder, Hamish McIntosh has utilized his experiences within the AFL system, both as a player & coach, to design a coach development program for community club coaches.


Beginning with an initial group development session at the club FOOTY SMARTS coaches take the club coaches through a practical program covering basic skill development, the importance of game sense training, and advanced ‘Scenario Training’. Add to this an open ‘Chalk and Talk’ session allowing the club coaches to interact with the FOOTY SMARTS coaches.


A key component of the COACH MENTORING program is that the Club Coaches will have access to the FOOTY SMARTS training library of over 75 animated and videoed drills & skills for the season.


Hamish McIntosh will also provide Club Coaches with ongoing mentoring during the season.


FOOTY SMARTS can return to the club during the season to support and mentor the Clubs coaches and run another practical training session.

Club Academy

FOOTY SMARTS Club Academy program enables a club to provide its players with an elite development program designed by FOOTY SMARTS elite coaches. The structure of the Academy will be designed in consultation with the club to ensure it achieves the club’s aim.


Considerations for the club would be given to the time of year (Pre-Season, In-Season), age groups (all age groups, U13’s +, Girls only, etc), day of the week (weekend, weeknight), source of funding (user pay, club funded).


The FOOTY SMARTS Academy is a real opportunity for the club to create a ‘point of difference’ in an often crowded market, whilst developing their players.



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